WinPicks Reference Manual
Section 8.7. Predicting Sides (Straight-Up and ATS)
After you load a formula, WinPicks is ready to make predictions for the current date. To predict games both straight-up and against the spread (ATS), select SIDES from the PREDICT menu. The predictions appear as shown in Figure 8.70.

Figure 8.70 - Predicting Sides (CFA)
The prediction screen is divided into 11 columns:
- WinPicks Favorite - The team that WinPicks predicts to win.
- By - The WinPicks line. WinPicks expects its favored team to win by this many points.
- WinPicks Underdog - The team that WinPicks predicts to lose.
- Line Favorite - The team the sportsbook predicts to win.
- By - The actual betting line (point spread) for the game.
- Line Underdog - The team the sportsbook predicts to lose.
- Recommend - If a team appears in this column, WinPicks is predicting that this team will cover the line. A formula recommends picks when the difference between the actual line and the WinPicks line is within the range of the betting window.
- Score - Once the game has been played, this column lists the score in this format: WinPicks Favorite - WinPicks Underdog.
- Result SUR - If the game has been played, this column tells you if WinPicks picked the winner of the game correctly. WON means that WinPicks was right. LOST means that WinPicks was wrong.
- Result ATS - If the game has been played, this column displays how WinPicks did against the spread. If WinPicks did not recommend a pick against the spread, this column is left blank. However, if WinPicks did recommend a pick, WON means that WinPicks was right. LOST means that WinPicks was wrong.
- Details - Click this link to see a summary of how WinPicks made its prediction.